Monday, August 11, 2008

Ravelympics & Llympics FO

Jumped into the Ravelympics craze and it got so confusing to my Gals on Lone Star State Knitters that I decided to start the Llymics on our group. It has worked out well. Some are participating in both areas and some have dropped Rav for LSSK. I have my first FO! The Crowns and Cables Baby blanket. I have the Adamas Shawl to finish now and I'm hoping to get close. Not sure I'll get it finished. I won't be winning any prizes on LSSK and don't need to. Getting this done is prize enough! :-) Our wonderful organizer Beverly (wendydancer) has done an excellent job keeping the events and competitors organized. She has also kept us on top of things on what to do on Ravelry. Thanks, Beverly! Good on 'ya!

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