Sunday, October 31, 2010

Elmo WIP Peek

Elmo is in the house …er….sweater…barely.  Needs a bit of grooming on the fun fur and the next pictures you see will be him finished. I have an idea brewing for the back. There’s a also a little pic of the mess he makes while getting into the sweater.  I have fun fur everywhere – all around and in my chair in the table.  There’s even little bits of it in the dog’s fur Since they all need grooming too, there will be a lot of fur and hair to vacuum up around here and since today is not my day to be a princess…Princess…I guess that will be me. Who me?

Elmo 4 elmo3

       Happy HOWL-O-WEEN!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Start of Something Elmo

I wanted to use a chart that Jean Dale has done and that I host on my website in the free charts section.

But…the chart was too big for the sweater size I’m doing  for Justin….so I did a re-chart  last night and sized this one to fit.  I couldn’t sleep last night so got a little knitting done as well. I haven’t used fun fur in a long while because basically I hate the stuff…but it’s just perfect for Elmo’s furry self. In love

IMG_1374 IMG_1375

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Knitted for my Darling Grandson, Jacob.  It will match his blue eyes and yes, it will be a little big on him at first, but hopefully he will love Spidey for a couple of years and love his sweater just as long. This was a fast knit.  I started it just before I finished Sarah’s dress on October 20th. I had the very bottom part of the neck done on him and then started knitting exclusively on it and finished today a week later.
I can’t wait to post pictures of the cute little blue eyed model in his sweater when he’s here in November. Here he is with his gorgeous Mama. Those blue eyes will look real good in this sweater, don’t you think?
100_2474DGS Jacob and DDIL Linda
Off to start the Elmo sweater for younger brother – DGS Justin- Stay tuned!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Meet Up Places, Gals & Glasses

The places you meet your friends change a little as you get a little old-er. This occurred to me today as I sat in Bellingrath Optic in Barton Creek Mall for the 3rd time in as many weeks with my dear friend, Nikki.

We both purchased new glasses at the same time and mine came in and hers didn’t because there was a problem with the frame configuration she picked out so she had to pick out more frames and start all over. I got mine two weeks ago and most of you have seen them:

Picture 11

And, the Lone Star Gals are NOT going to believe this…but I actually got a picture of Nikki in her new glasses with my phone.  I was nice and sent it to her and asked if she approved and she did not, but Chuck did so I’m broadcasting it all over.  I even use this one in my phone now for when she calls me instead of the one with the lampshade.  She thinks the one with the lampshade is the cooler picture, but …my phone…my decision. Smile with tongue out I love this picture of her.  It’s just the right amount of “hurry and and get this over with, total disgust and a small amount of tolerance.” And I LOVE her new glasses on her. They just about disappear on her face. Be sure to click on the pic for a better view.  We don’t get to see Nikki in pics much and this is a rare treat. Truly, they aren’t much different than the old glasses…but the lenses are shaped in a nicer way for her face, IMHO.


Before we met at our new meet up place, we met Linda Quinn at one of our 3 favorite places to haunt for lunch – Abuello’s.  It seems that we can’t eat anything but Tex Mex these days and whether I am lunching with a girlfriend or David – it’s either Abuello’s, Texican or Serrano’s. And I most always get the same thing that I always get at each of these places.  This may be a sign of getting old-er too?

Linda was stylin’ today and I had to share.  There’s a story behind these shoes in that a friend of hers just gave them to her like the shirt off her back.  I think I’ll leave it there. SmileLinda liked the shot of the just the shoes, but we can’t pass on those sexy toes.

LQ's sandleLQ's sandle 1

The only thing that would have made today better was if Always Alice could have joined us.  She had to pick up her DH from the airport after his little vacation and she didn’t think he would like walking with two suitcases and a golf bag.

Our meets at Bellingrath Opitics are not over.  My sister - (yes, the Gal that sold us the glasses thinks we are sisters – what mother would name her daughters Nikki & Vicki?) -Nikki bought herself a pair of sunglasses today that will have to be picked up next week or so. Does this mean that meet up places change as you get old-er?

I think so. Hot smile

Monday, October 25, 2010

Knitting Up a Storm

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here.  I always say I’m going to keep this blog current, but it never seems to happen.  Other things like knitting get in the way….and dogs and husbands.

IMG_1355sMy Darling husband David & my furkids Scotty, Murphy, Kassi & Tyger from left to right.

The knitting part has been all for babies and kids of late. I knitted a Christening outfit for my DIL’s sister’s baby Brooke who will be Christened in December. The gown and the beautiful model.


After that I knitted a dress for my darling Granddaughter, Sarah to wear at the Christening.  I will have pictures of her modeling next month when she visits and picks up the dress.


I’m now working on a Spiderman & Elmo sweater for my Darling Grandsons, Jacob & Justin. Spiderman is almost done and when Elmo is finished I’ll share pics of both here.

I’m also trying out a new to me way to post to this blog.  It’s called Windows Live Writer. I compose my post offline in this software and then post to the blog.  We’ll see if that happens.  If you are reading this…it worked!